Medical & Health Science
Projects in the health sector
Projects in the health sector
The University of Copenhagen, Aarhus University, University of Southern Denmark and Aalborg University can submit applications to Fondation Idella.
The Foundation itself can also call for applications from other institutions.
Fondation Idella supports projects in traditional health science and alternative medicine.
As stated in the statutes, especially activities aimed at improving treatment methods will be supported.
Projects will typically be in the form of PhD projects (fully financed in alternative medicine, co-financed in traditional medicine). Also, one-year postdocs can be supported.
At present, projects within this field are established through direct contact between the Foundation and the relevant university, hospital, research institution or organisation.
Unsolicited applications will not be considered and applicants will not be notified by rejection letter.
The Foundation will notify all Medical & Health science applicants whether their application has been successful or not.